About Us
Hazrat Ayesha (Ra) Academy was founded in 1996 as a full-time private school, owned and operated by Dhaka Bangladesh, serving the Muslim community in the city of Ibnesina Brothers Housing Limited, Road- 10, Adabor, Dhaka, and beyond. Since its inception, Hazrat Ayesha (Ra) Academy has consistently grown year after year and has gained a reputation of becoming a leading Muslim educational institute that aims to instill Islamic morale and a genuine desire to learn in each of its students.
Message of Headmaster
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.
Hazrat Ayesha (Ra) Academy is a private full-time school, Pre-K, JK-Grade 8. The school has a multi-purpose gymnasium, playground facility and operational library. The LIS Junior Champions -child care centre has a Ministry licensed program with certified ECE staff. Preschoolers experience a full early year’s curriculum.
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